suboptimal versus non sense

R. Dodiet said:
Miguel, I agree that some aspects of the Maxima language are suboptimal.

   Should I use a  political correct language to hide the reality,
   a beautiful dress to hide the ugliness?

  Well, i'm sure that any of you can conceptually understand the difference

   1.- Due to scarse staff we can't make same changes in the code.
   2.- The concepts are correct.
   3.- Bla, Bla.

  My studentes in four months must learn the following concepts:

  Vector Calculus: Line integral, double and triple integral, multiple integrals,
change of variables, surface integral,  Stokes theorem, Divergence Theorem,
Green Theorem, Laplace Transform and ED (first order: homogeneous, exact,
integral factors, Bernoulli, linear) and Linear (indeterminate coefficients, 
via Laplace, and operator method (invert a polynomial in the operator D).

 Should I suggest a computer program that should generate about a googol of
questions and erros?

  I'm nobody boss, not i'm going to fire somebody.  But i want to say clearly
  that there is a need for a clear concept of what is a bug

   For a student list and matrices are a bug.
   Vector Calculus package is a bug.
   Why? Is suboptimal? No, clearly not.

   Any of you can define curl, or div, or anything like that in four lines.

   The problem is that there is not quality control

   A good engineer would say, here students play 80 % or more, let's do
   a program for students, a good one, one that talk like them not like an 
   expert mathematician.


   Don't do it for me, i prefer you hate me, do it for the students population:

  The say:  Please eliminate thoses ideas that no one can foresee.


 By the way, thinks a lot to everybody, education shine here.