suboptimal versus non sense

miguel Lopez <miguel39123 at> writes:

> R. Dodiet said:
> Miguel, I agree that some aspects of the Maxima language are suboptimal.
>    Should I use a  political correct language to hide the reality,
>    a beautiful dress to hide the ugliness?

As long as the language is polite, I don't see anyone insisting on
"politically correct", whatever that means.

>   Well, i'm sure that any of you can conceptually understand the difference
> between
>    1.- Due to scarse staff we can't make same changes in the code.
>    2.- The concepts are correct.
>    3.- Bla, Bla.


>   My studentes in four months must learn the following concepts:
>   Vector Calculus: Line integral, double and triple integral, multiple integrals,
> change of variables, surface integral,  Stokes theorem, Divergence Theorem,
> Green Theorem, Laplace Transform and ED (first order: homogeneous, exact,
> integral factors, Bernoulli, linear) and Linear (indeterminate coefficients,
> via Laplace, and operator method (invert a polynomial in the operator D).
>  Should I suggest a computer program that should generate about a googol of
> questions and erros?

Are you saying that Maxima would generate many questions and errors?
Looking at this message and the one you started the previous thread with,
I'm still not clear on what the problem is.

>   I'm nobody boss, not i'm going to fire somebody.  But i want to say clearly
>   that there is a need for a clear concept of what is a bug

Why?  And is there something specific that you think is a bug?  Why
not say what it is, and not worry about whether it meets somebody's
definition of bug.

>    For a student list and matrices are a bug.
>    Vector Calculus package is a bug.


>   The say:  Please eliminate thoses ideas that no one can foresee.

What ideas are those?
Perhaps you have stated them clearly in a previous message, but it
might be useful to explicitly state what you are complaining about
when you start a thread complaining about something.
I've found the Maxima community to be very responsive.
