proposal to cut out plot2d_ps

On 1/28/07, sen1 at <sen1 at> wrote:

> So, won't one have to rewrite the ps output option to plot2d
> if plot2d_ps is removed?

No, the proposal is to omit the built-in PS output, and let it be
handled by Gnuplot.

> Also, I don't see that removing 'plot2d_ps' from
> 'plot.lisp' will do much to clean up the plot.lisp routines.

The PS output code in src/plot.lisp comprises about 350 lines of
code, with about 20 user-visible symbols (mostly undocumented).

> Or, are you simply suggesting that it be removed from the manual,
> and the set of user available functions, but be kept in the plot.lisp
> file?

No, I want to cut out plot2d_ps from the code and from the documentation.
