test failure in rtest_taylor

maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote on 01/26/2007 05:17:19 AM:

> After my last cvs update I get the following errors in make check:
> Running tests in rtest_taylor: 
> ********************** Problem 85 ***************
> Input:
> taylor(bessel_j(0, x), x, 0, 5)
> Result:
> `taylor' encountered an unfamiliar singularity in:
> bessel_j(0, x)
>  -- an error.  To debug this try debugmode(true);
> 0 + . . .
> This differed from the expected result:
>  4    2
> x    x
> -- - -- + 1
> 64   4
> ********************** Problem 86 ***************
> Input:
> taylor(bessel_j(1, x), x, 0, 5)

These bugs should be fixed. Let me know if they aren't.
