cvs commit privilege

>>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Eder <aeder at> writes:

    Andreas> Hello Maxima list,
    Andreas> I'm proud to announce to you that Robert  Dodier has given me CVS commot
    Andreas> privileges.

Great news!  
    Andreas> I am currently trying to clean up maxima code by removing stale
    Andreas> conditionalizations (for pdp10 etc.), replacing maclisp type code by the
    Andreas> equivalent common lisp idiom etc. Robert has already integrated a few
    Andreas> cleaned up files and you can see more of that at 

I have often thought doing that because always gave up because if it
ain't broke, don't fix it. :-)  But maxima is in need of some house

    Andreas> I will also try to further cut down the warning messages the compiler
    Andreas> spits out (for clisp and sbcl, since these are the cl-systems that I
    Andreas> currently use).

For this kind of work, I think it's also important to have gcl.  I've
often made changes that work just beautifully with clisp and cmucl,
only to be blocked by gcl in some way or other.
