error with find_root when functions containing more than one built-in constant like %pi

On 1/30/07, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:
> On 1/30/07, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> wrote:
> > > So long as %e^x is the preferred form, we will have to treat %e
> > > differently from other constants (or tolerate numeric values
> > > where there are none at present).
> >
> > I do not believe that is true.
> Well, OK then. Let's hear a proposal for fixing the numer & float flags.
> I hope it includes getting rid of %enumer.

I'll look into it.  By the way, it seems that your approach would
require %e (the constant) to be represented as exp(1) in order to deal
with the original problem on the thread, and similar problems like
(%e+1)^2,numer.  Is that what you had in mind?


PS You might think that you could simply make %e and %pi into (($%e
simp)) and (($%pi simp)) internally, but that still wouldn't solve the
problem of preserving the symbolic form in expressions like %e^x,numer
(where x is not bound to a number).