
Jaap Spies wrote:
> SAGE works the other way around. Python is the glue to join not only
> maxima, pari, singular, matplotlib  and many other open source programs.
> It is even possible to use the three big M's, Maple, Mathematica and MAGMA
> via a standard interface. A Matlab interface is on its way.
> Python/SAGE is a mainstream, modern programming language.
I'd love to try it if all those components were distributed separately.
There are many reason for this 
1)84Mb ? source code and  your site is slow 

2)The particular  user  need only a few componets, e.g. ,  I  would use 
python, numpy and maxima, mathplotlib.

3) Most linux distribution have python, numpy, maxima and etc. 

4) Sage use clisp to compile maxima (at least it was so 1 year ago). This is 
really slowest choice. I admit that many other people can prefer clisp  over 
sbcl and cmucl. But it is always better to have a choice in this option 
because maxima gives this choice.

good luck,