You first have to install a lisp version.
I took the source tar package, compiled and installed it.
Do, either or both of
port sbcl
port clisp
If you do both, this installs sbcl and clisp. As far as I know, cmucl is not available.
fink said that it had gcl, but I could not get it to install.
After you have either or both of clisp and sbcl installed, you
compile and install maxima.
I took the source package and put it in /usr/local/src. I don't
remember if I had to unzip it or that happened automatically.
Right now, I have in /usr/local/src the tar file
[sen at basie src]$ pwd
[sen at basie src]$ ls -ld max*11*
drwxrwxrwx 48 9747 100 1632 Jan 14 16:58 maxima-5.11.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 sen sen 55848960 Jan 10 01:17 maxima-5.11.0.tar
The subdirectory 'maxima-5.11.0' was created by untarring
Then, decide which lisp you want to use. Note that clisp is very slow
for me, but sbcl is kinder in developing new packages. So, you may
want both.
I don't know if they can be compiled simultaneously, so I compile them
one and at time, install them both in /usr/local/bin
Here is the procedure for installing with sbcl
As root (or with root privileges) assuming you have sbcl installed and
maxima-5.11.0 in /usr/local/src
[sen at basie maxima-5.11.0]$ pwd
[sen at basie maxima-5.11.0]$ su
[root at basie maxima-5.11.0]# configure --with-sbcl; make install
cp /usr/local/bin/maxima /usr/local/bin/maxima-sbcl
cp /usr/local/bin/rmaxima /usr/local/bin/rmaxima-sbcl
cp /usr/local/bin/xmaxima /usr/local/bin/xmaxima-sbcl
Then, repeat, replacing 'sbcl' by 'clisp'
| Sheldon E. Newhouse | e-mail: sen1 at |
| Mathematics Department | |
| Michigan State University | telephone: 517-355-9684 |
| E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA | FAX: 517-432-1562 |
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Alexander Barfield wrote:
> Can anyone give me instructions on how to install Maxima on a Mac with OS X
> Tiger 10.4?
> Alex
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