
/>SAGE works the other way around. Python is the glue to join not only
/>/maxima, pari, singular, matplotlib  and many other open source programs.
/>/It is even possible to use the three big M's, Maple, Mathematica and MAGMA via
/>/a standard interface. A Matlab interface is on its way.
/>/Python/SAGE is a mainstream, modern programming language.

I did some more experimenting and I must say the sage people seem
to have done an incredible job. The use of python makes it possible
to almost seamlessly integrate many different open source mathematics

Using python as an interface to maxima also feels very natural. 
This makes it clear what maxima expressions really are. They are
simply objects supporting certain methods. There are many other types
of mathematical objects (rings, groups, fields) which are difficult to represent
in maxima but which are basic objects for other packages (like gap or singular).
In python these are all just "objects" which can be manipulated according
to the methods they support. 
