bind stack overflow factoring 7th degree poly

In fact5 (defined in factor.lisp), I see a magic number in the condition
(> algcont 6). Changing this to ((> algcont 1066) allows factor to
finish. I wonder if the intent of (> algcont 6) was to keep factor from
running a long time. Maybe the whole test (> algcont xxx) could be
eliminated. If not, should the (return 'splitcase)) should be changed to
an error?

(%i5) load("C:/maximacvs/maxima/src/factor.lisp")$


(%i7) factor(%);
(%o7) (x-16)*(x+14)*(x+49)*(2*x-11)*(2*x+21)*(3*x-49)*(13*x-63)

  nextp(setq lchar1 (cdr lchar1))
     (cond ((null lchar1)
     (cond ((not (zerop lmin)) (go out))
    (t (merror "Factor ran out of primes."))))
    ((> algcont 1066)
     (cond ((ziredup minpoly*)(setq trl* tr)(setq modulus nil)
     (return 'splitcase))
    (t (merror "The minimal poly must be irreducible over the
     (go test)
