GCL internal error (GCC error on generated C code)
Subject: GCL internal error (GCC error on generated C code)
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:08:41 -0500
>>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Eder <aeder at arcor.de> writes:
Andreas> Hello,
Andreas> Robert Dodier writes:
>> suprv1.lisp was recently modified to remove stale conditionalizations
>> and various other minor changes. Those changes shouldn't have
>> changed any observable behavior.
Andreas> The changes were done by me. Unfortunately I have no gcl at hand to test
Andreas> (gcl does not run on my platform) against it. I only tested sbcl and
Andreas> clisp and apparently both run correct.
Andreas> I have no clue what could be the reason for that behaviour under gcl.
As someone else has already mentioned, gcl is not quite ANSI. That's
probably the biggest issue.
Andreas> I#d be happy to get a few tips to avoid such behaviour in the future as
Andreas> long as I have no gcl to test against.
Andreas> Even better would be tips to get gcl running under FreeBSD/AMD64.
Some google searches indicates that gcl runs on FreeBSD. Perhaps
that's only a 32-bit version. Are there no compatibility libraries to
run on a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit machine?