> In xmaxima (gcl in Fedora Core 6) I noticed that I can't batch files
> with comments. 'load' works just fine.
> Consider the following file "foo.mac".
> _________________________________________________________
> /* this is the file "foo.mac" with is leading comment */
> f(x):= 2*x;
> _________________________________________________________
> Look at the following
> %i1) build_info();
> Maxima version: 5.11.0
> Maxima build date: 4:28 1/25/2007
> host type: i686-pc-linux-gnu
> lisp-implementation-type: GNU Common Lisp (GCL)
> lisp-implementation-version: GCL 2.6.7
> (%o1)
> (%i2) load("foo");
> (%o2) ./foo.mac
> (%i3) f(3.4);
> (%o3) 6.8
> (%i4) batch("foo");
> batching #p/home/maxie/sen/Math_496/Maxima/Work/foo.mac
> (%i5) f(x) := 2 x
> (%o5) f(x) := 2 x
> xmaxima is now hung. Won't even respond to "Cntl-G".
> Anyone else have this problem?
This is very strange. I 'm using xmaxima with Clisp and GCL and works
fine loading batch files. Do you have trying with other lisp flavor ?
Do you have a same problem, when load files from Xmaxima menus ?
Juan Pablo Romero Bernal
Grupo Linux Universidad Distrital
Blog: http://jpromerobx.blogspot.com/
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