Am Montag 12 Februar 2007 20:20 schrieb Fabrizio Caruso:
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
> ?Error during processing of --eval option "(cl-user::run)":
> ? Argument X is not a NUMBER: NIL
Hi Fabrizio,
what an accident: Just encountered the same error:
Maxima encountered a Lisp error: Console interrupt.Automatically
continuing.To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
I suppose that this Mersenne prime of 65,050 digits was just too huge.
Being brand new to this list, I feel the urge to introduce myself:
I teach math and computer science in Germany. My comprehensive school
uses Debian-Edu (aka Skolelinux) as base system, hence maxima (or
wxMaxima) attracts my attention.
During my studies (and even before), number theory has always been one
of my favourites. Today I tried to factorize huge numbers.
In case anybody of you knows of any cute teaching material or tutorials
appropriate for class (10th form up), please feel free to tell me - or
(in case you read German), contribute directly to: