Q: nounify symbols with a 'm prefix ?

Would anyone be familiar with the conventions for translating a symbol with "m" prefix
into a noun, and the expected behavior for 'abs?  The function $nounify in suprv1.lisp
tests the first character and if it is '$' or 'm' then is is stripped, but the first
character is accessed via 'explodec which generally flips the case so this test generally
fails.  On a lowercase of modern-mode lisp this test causes a different result.  Can
this test be removed, or should it be testing for a lowercase 'm' from 'explodec,
or is the test appropriate to some cases that need to be handled better in a lowercase

:lisp ($nounify '$abs) => %ABS
:lisp ($nounify 'mabs) => %MABS
:lisp ($nounify '|mabs|) => %abs

On a lowercase or modern-mode lisp:
:lisp ($nounify 'mabs) => %abs

Douglas Crosher