transpose and ev

-----"Jaime E. Villate"  wrote: -----

>The argument for transpose must be a list or a matrix. For example:

The user documentation doesn't say that the argument to transpose
must be a list or a matrix; indeed, it needn't be:

(%i1) transpose(a.b);
(%o1) transpose(b).transpose(a)
(%i2) declare(z,scalar)$
(%i3) transpose(z);
(%o3) z

I think transpose suffers from noun / verb confusion. Changing one line of
$transpose from

   (t ($nounify '$transpose) (list '(%transpose) mat)))) <-- Note: Wasted
   call to $nounify/


   (t (list '($transpose) mat))))

makes transpose work the way I expect it to work. I propose a similar
to determinant. I'm not a Maxima noun / verb expert. Is this change OK?
