keyword names that can't be set in maxima

On 2/16/07, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> wrote:

> On 2/16/07, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:
> > Well, I wouldn't insist. Why not evaluate keywords like other symbols?
> > Then the user can use a quote mark if that gives them what they want.
> True, but I think we've found that quoting issues are hard to document in a
> way that users understand them and therefore a common cause of user error.

I don't get it. If keywords are evaluated like ordinary symbols there's
nothing peculiar to keywords to be explained. Surely inventing a novel
evaluation scheme especially for keywords is a greater documentation

> Actually, I'd see this as part of a larger effort to define maps or dictionaries
> a la most scripting languages, unified with records, hasharrays, lists, etc.
>  But I don't have a complete proposal yet....  Parameter syntax would then
> be the same as map syntax.

I'm not sure I'm comfortable with making parameters look and act like map keys.
