defmatch description

On Sunday 18 February 2007, Richard Fateman wrote:
> The functionality of defmatch is the same in both programs. The underlying
> implementation in Macsyma was re-done for efficiency, and may differ in
> minor respects especially when matching sums and products, but the external
> specifications should be identical.

That means that this piece of maxima manual  about defmatch is not correct
>      <pattern> is an expression containing the pattern variables <x_1>,
>      ..., <x_n> and pattern parameters, if any.  The pattern variables
because  they are  the formal parameters in the
of 'progname  and  not pattern variables
> Can you use the description in the Macsyma manual? Presumably a literal
> word-for-word use would violate some copyright. Rewriting it using the
> information in the Macsyma manual is probably OK.
Thanks for  explanation! Translated variant will not violate those copyritghs, 
I guess.