numerical solutions to differential equations

> Thanks for your reply. Two more questions. Am I correct in assuming
> that maxima as of yet does not have a mechanism to return an
> interpolating function as the numerical solution to an ode?

I have just commited (ten minutes ago) some changes in the interpolation
package (don't use older versions: you can get overflow errors):

Documentation is here:

Download interpol.mac and execute something like this:

points: rk(t-x^2,x,1,[t,0,4,0.1]);
lagrange(points); /* Lagrange polynomial */
cspline(points);  /* Cubic splines interpolation */
linearinterpol(points); /* Linear interpolation */

In the examples in interpol.texi you'll see how to handle these three
latest results to make interpolations and plotting.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto