applying function identities (proposal)

> From: Robert Dodier
> On 2/26/07, Billinghurst, David (RTATECH)
> <David.Billinghurst at> wrote:
> > (%i4) 
> besselcrunch((-(1+2*n)*bessel_j(n,x))/x+bessel_j(1+n,x)+bessel
> _j(n-1,x));
> >
> > Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
> >
> >  Expected a maxima function designator but got NIL.
> OK, I get the same error with the current version of Maxima 
> (5.11.0cvs)
> and share/contrib/opsubst.lisp (r1.5).
> Going back through the revisions of opsubst, the same error happens
> with r1.4 but not with r1.3 (timestamp = 2006/05/06).
> However, with r1.3 the results I get are different from the ones shown
> in Barton's original message.
> (
> e.g. 
> besselcrunch((-(1+2*n)*bessel_j(n,x))/x+bessel_j(1+n,x)+bessel
> _j(n-1,x));
>   => -2*n*?%bessel_j(n,x)/x-?%bessel_j(n,x)/x+?%bessel_j(n+1,x)
>                       +?%bessel_j(n-1,x)
> (Uh-oh -- looks like there's a bug in MSIZE-ATOM or something 
> ... rats.)
> It looks like the noun/verb distinction is causing the opsubst stuff
> to fail to recognize %BESSEL_J as the same as $BESSEL_J ...
> The following definition of OP-EQUALP (otherwise defined in 
> src/compar.lisp)
> yields the expected result for the above example (namely 0).
> (defun op-equalp (e &rest op) (and (consp e) (consp (car e)) (some
> #'(lambda (s) (equal ($verbify (caar e))  s)) (mapcar #'$verbify
> op))))
> Dunno if that causes unexpected results elsewhere.

Thanks for reply.  I too struck some problems with %BESSEL_J vs $BESSEL_J.

I have checked in some code to share/contrib/diffequations/contrib_ode.mac.
It is an amalgam of Barton's ideas and some code I had been tinkering with.
It works for all but two of the Bessel function solutions in the contrib_ode

/*  This Bessel function simplification code can be improved,
    but is does work fairly well on the contrib_ode testsuite.
    Need to extend to cover cases like Kamke 1.14 and 1.24

bessimp(e) := besksimp(besisimp(besysimp(besjsimp(e))))$


/* Simplify expressions containing bessel_F, where F in {j,y,i,k}.
   Repeatedly find the highest order term F and substitute Fsub for F 

   When F is a Bessel function of order n and argument x, then
   Fsub contains Bessel functions of order n-1 and n-2.

   We separate the set of arguments into groups that have a common
   artgument and orders that differ by integers, then work on each
   class until all the orders differ by less than 2. 
besFsimp(ex,F,Fsub) := block([arglist,ords,ord2,max,min,s,t,u,m,n,x,e:ex],
  if freeof(nounify(F),ex) then return(ex),
  /*  partition arguments into sets with same second argument and
      orders that differ by an integer */
    (second(x)=second(y)) and integerp(ratsimp(first(x)-first(y))))),

  /* Iterate over each equivalance class */

  for s in argset do (
    x:second(first(s)),  /* The common argument for s */
    ords:map('first,s),  /* List of orders */
    t:first(ords),          /* One element of the list of orders */
    ord2:map(lambda([m],ratsimp(m-t)),ords), /* List of differences */
    max:lmax(ord2),      /* maximum order is t+max */
    min:lmin(ord2),      /* minimum order is t+min */
    for m: max step -1 unless ratsimp(m-min)<2 do (
      n:if emptyp(n) then ratsimp(t+m) else first(n),

  lambda([n,x], 2*(n-1)*bessel_j(n-1,x)/x-bessel_j(n-2,x)));

  lambda([n,x], 2*(n-1)*bessel_y(n-1,x)/x-bessel_y(n-2,x)));


  lambda([n,x], 2*(n-1)*bessel_k(n-1,x)/x+bessel_k(n-2,x)));

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