
Hi all,

I don't know if this is a correct place to announce this.

I have just created a PHP program to access Maxima on the server
interactively from a website. I call it MaximaPHP.

As a minimal security measures I am filtering out certain functions
and patterns of Maxima command that are seem unsecure to pass to the
server, such as functions to system call,  Lisp call, file access etc.
Additionally, I am limiting Maxima program with a certain timeout to
prevent it from running forever on the server in the case of some bad
commands, using Perl.

If you are using Firefox, you can see also beautiful math expressions
converted from TeX to MathML markup language using TtM from Ian

Please try it from my website below.. you can see the source code by
clicking on the 'source' link in the bottom right.

I need some advices regarding security measures that I implemented
here. Are there other Maxima commands that I need to filter out?

Best Regards,