Subject: [Newbie] problem with conditional expression
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 16:56:17 -0700
Stavros, this looks to me like another example which shows users
would benefit from having boolsimp merged into maxima/src.
On 3/9/07, Hugo Coolens <coolens at> wrote:
> I'm trying to define a function as follows:
> f(t):= if (0<=t and t<t1) then -(A/t1)*t+A else 0;
> when trying out "f(0);" I get the error message below, probably
> because the syntax I use is wrong, can someone tell me how to do it
> properly?
> MACSYMA was unable to evaluate the predicate:
> 0 < t1
Maxima, by default, does not know how to handle unevaluated or
partially evaluated conditionals. There is an add-on package named
boolsimp for that.
load (boolsimp);
f(t):= if (0<=t and t<t1) then -(A/t1)*t+A else 0;
f(- 1);
=> 0
=> if 0 < t1 then A else 0
f(t1 + 1);
=> 0
=> if 0 <= t and t < t1 then A-t*A/t1 else 0
assume (t > 0);
=> if t < t1 then A-t*A/t1 else 0
boolsimp is packaged with Maxima in version 5.11 but it appears
you have an old version of Maxima. If so you can get the package from CVS:
I don't know for sure whether boolsimp works with older versions of Maxima.