"Not connected to maxima!"

> When running wxMaxima 0.7.1 (as root), and trying to do anything with it, I am getting a
> "Not connected to maxima!" error message. I checked the configuration and found out port
> 4010. I have enabled port 4010:tcp in my firewall, and have rebooted the system. Still,
> the error message persists.
> Also in the window of wxMaxima 0.7.1, on the bottom right there is the message "Maxima
> process terminated".
> I have tried erasing the default .wxMaxima from /root directory and also changed
> /etc/hosts to " localhost" only, but still the same problem.
> Any solution?

After you get "Maxima process terminated" message enter


into wxmaxima input line. If your maxima printed an error to stdout or
stderr this should display it and it could give you some clue why the
connection failed.
