On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 22:15 -0500, sen1 at math.msu.edu wrote:
> Here is one example of something which has been lost with the
> elimination of openplot_curves. Or, at least I don't know how to fix
> it.
> This is with Redhat Fedora Core 6.
> Suppose I have two lists of points, ws_0, wu_0, each with several
> hundred points in the plane.
> plot2d([discrete,ws_0], [discrete, wu_0]);
> and I get the two lists. If I want to magnify the plot, I used to
> simply do
> openplot_curves([ws_0,wu_0]);
> It would plot the curves in openplot format so that I could zoom them,
> translate them, etc. Now, I don't know how to do that.
To possible solutions:
1. Before the call to plot2d([discrete...]) do the following:
and you will get the plot in exactly the same interface you're used
to, with the zoom and other features (as suggested by Robert,
we should make this comment appear when users try to use
openplot_curves in Maxima 5.12.)
2. Since you are working in Fedora, your default plot_format will be
gnuplot_pipes which allow you to click on the upper left corner of
the rectangle you want to magnify, move the cursor to the right
lower corner, while holding the left button, and release the button
to get the graph zoomed. (I just noticed that it does not work here
in my office, but it works at home; perhaps It depends on the
Gnuplot version?). By the way, try also clicking on the plot
with the middle button; it will let you put additional points.
> There is 'graph2d'.
I know :) (I'm its author). That's exactly what triggers these new
development. In the old Maxima versions it worked fine, but since
the downcasing to place all od its options stopped working because
they were being passed in upper case to Xmaxima. That's why I did
not even bother to document that function.
> But,
> a. It needs xmaxima. It doesn't work in command line maxima
Are you sure? try again.
Xmaxima works fine from the command line! I use it all time. Any
time you use openplot_curves you are also using Xmaxima; without
Xmaxima you would not have Openmath. Please see the Xmaxima manual.
> b. Resizing the window in kde is buggy. It will not relocate to
> its former position.
Then, you should observe the same problem in openplot_curves. Both
are using exactly the same graphics interface.
> c. The graph has a box that cannot be removed.
exactly as in openplot_curves.
> d. One does not have most of the gnuplot options
That's why I'm proposing that you migrate to plot2d([discrete...])
It will work with either gnuplot or openmath.
> 3. As far as I know, one can't plot functions without first
> creating lists.
Exactly! that's my point. openplot_curves only plots of points,
no functions.
plot2d allows you to plot sets of points together with parametric
functions and functions defined in the various different ways
that can be used in Maxima. A lot of effort has been put into
plot2d in the last years.
P.S. It is good to know that you appreciate the features of openmath.
It is very buggy at the moment, but I will keep working on it.