From: vkonovalov at (Konovalov, Vadim Vladimirovich (Vadim)** CTR **)
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:22:54 +0200
I suggest to not include generated files into the distribution.
So it would be very great if PostScript and PDF files are removed, just because they're generated out of TEX.
All of these could be available from elsewhere.
But even of more concern is duplicating a lot of files in, for example, "es" and "es.utf8" directories.
Freshly unpacked 5-11-0 distribution contains 94 binary identical files within these two directories, of more than 3.5 MBytes of wasted space.
Same thing for "pt" subdirectories.
With all the respect to translated material, what the need for duplication?
Is it possible to generate non-UTF8 out from UTF8, or vice-versa?
I can write some 10-lines Perl script to do the encoding. Is it possible to use Perl within makefiles?
Best regards,