I looked at the tutorial, and found it interesting.
However, in the section on Legendre Polynomials, it says..
The Legendre polynomials are defined by:
p0(x) = 1
p1(x) = x
n*pn(x) = (2*n -1)*x*pn-1(x) - (n - 1)*pn-2(x)
The objective of this section is to develop programs that compute the
Legendre polynomial for a given value of n.
For a first attempt we try to follow the definition as close as possible:
Legendre1(n, x) :=
block ( [],
if n = 0
then 1
if n = 1
then x
else ((2*n - 1)*x*Legendre1 (n - 1, x)
- (n - 1) *Legendre1 (n - 2, x)) / n
In fact, the Legendre Polynomials can be defined by following the definition
this way:
almost exactly as defined. It can be made to run faster than the LegendreNN
version below by setting p[0](x):=rat(1).
and is about 6 times faster than the version below. Though for reasons of
limited stack space it may be better in some maximas not to try computing
without, say, computing p[100](x) first. All the polynomials are stored in
which may also be unnecessary. Using mapping functions may be faster than
the while and for loops, too.
LegendreNN(n, x) :=
block ( [cnt, pn, coeffsP0, coeffsP1, coeffsPN, oldList ],
if n = 0
then return (1)
else if n = 1
then return (x),
coeffsP0: makelist (0, x, 0, n),
coeffsP1: makelist (0, x, 0, n),
coeffsPN: makelist (0, x, 0, n),
coeffsP0[1]: 1,
coeffsP1[2]: 1,
cnt: 2,
while cnt <= n do
(coeffsPN[1]: -coeffsP0[1]*(cnt - 1)/cnt,
for idx : 2 thru cnt + 1 do
coeffsPN[idx] : ((2*cnt - 1)*coeffsP1[idx - 1]
-(cnt - 1)*coeffsP0[idx])/ cnt,
oldList: coeffsP0,
coeffsP0: coeffsP1,
coeffsP1: coeffsPN,
coeffsPN: oldList,
cnt: cnt + 1
pn: 0,
for idx:1 thru n + 1 do
pn: pn + coeffsP1[idx]*x^(idx - 1),
From: maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu [mailto:maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu]
On Behalf Of Alasdair McAndrew
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 10:25 PM
To: Zoho Vignochi; maxima list
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Programming Guide
For starting with Maxima programming, there is Boris Gaertner's tutorial at
or you can just browse through *.mac and *.lisp in the Maxima directory