> For the record, I couldn't figure out a way to get Maxima to tell
> Gnuplot about the hold option. Every permutation of options
> which I tried caused the second plot to clobber the first.
I didn't read this thread very carefully so I don't know if I
understand this correctly. But something like this is possible with
the new gnuplot_pipes terminal. When I added it I also added some
functions (which are not yet documented) and are very usefull with
this terminal. The commands
plot2d(sin(x), [x,-4,4]);
gnuplot_replot("set multiplot");
plot2d(cos(x), [x,-4,4]);
will display graphs of sin and cos in one window. This works nicely
for plots with the same x-range and y-range. To turn multiplot off
gnuplot_replot("unset multiplot");
The gnuplot_replot function sends a string to gnuplot and then replots
the window. The string must be a valid gnuplot command. Since you can
send anything it can be very usefull for people who know gnuplot.