teaching code for newton2

I have not looked at your code, but, in case you are interested, here
is a simple 2d routine I wrote.  Looking at it now, it is easy to
extend it to higher dimension.


/* File newton2d.mac

  This is a 2-d version of the Newton root finding algorithm.
    expr is a 2d list of functions of a vector var.
    x0 is an initial 2d vector guess
    eps is the desired error.

   Example:  newton2d([x^2 - y^2 + sin(y), x + exp(y)],[x,y],

   Note: For high degree in x, y, this produces bind stack overflows.


  u: matrix(x0),

   loop, if ( subst(u[1][2],var[2],subst(u[1][1],var[1],expr[1]) )^2
      + subst(u[1][2],var[2],subst(u[1][1],var[1],expr[2]))^2 < eps)
        then return([u[1][1],u[1][2]]),
  v: subst(u[1][2],var[2],subst(u[1][1],var[1],expr)),

    u: u - v
       go(loop) )$

  | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: sen1 at math.msu.edu           |
  | Mathematics Department         |       				   |
  | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
  | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |

On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, Wolfgang Lindner wrote:

> dear maxima experts,
> making my first steps into Maxima I want to translate A. Pinkus YaCAS-Code for 2-dim
> Newton-Iteration. Here is the original YaCAS-Code from the file Algo.Book.pdf S.18 (3.9
> Newton iteration) of the YaCAS 1.063 distribution:
>>> f(a,x):={Sin(a*x),a-2}
>>> matrix(a,x):=Eval({D(a)f(a,x),D(x)f(a,x)})
>>> {a,x}:={1.5,1.5}
>>> For(ii:=1,ii<100,ii++)[{a,x}:={a,x}+ N(SolveMatrix(matrix(a,x),-f(a,x)));]
>>> {a,x}
> /                \
> | 2.             |
> |                |
> | 0.596673098e-1 |
> \                /
> And here is my beginner's translation to Maxima (yes, I know of mnewton.mac and
> newton1.mac) searching for a very simple version of newton. But I get stuck.
> numer  : true;
> f(a,x) := matrix([Sin(a*x)],[a-2]);
> J(a,x) : =matrix(''diff(f(a,x),a),''diff(f(a,x),x));
> /* What is wrong with the following line? */
> [a,x]: [1.5,1.5];
> /*
>  How to manage the following line?
>  [a,x] is type list I think, the product is type matrix.
>  So I have to coerce it someway - but how?
> */
> for i:1 thru 100 do ( [a,x] : [a,x] + J(a,x)^^(-1).(-f(a,x)) );
> [a,x];
> Sorry if my question is too simple, but it would be nice if someone could help me.
> The wxMaxima sheet ist attached.
> Thanks Wolfgang