makelist vs create_list

 From the user's viewpoint, the most important thing would 
be to eliminate one of the two.
My vote goes to retaining the name "makelist", and 
generalizing its functionality.


Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 4/7/07, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> wrote:
>> There is also a serious problem with the design of create_list.  Its
>> generalization to multiple variables is very useful and unproblematic.
>>  On the other hand, the fact that it allows either lists or ranges
>> defined by integers makes its semantics weird, with the interpretation
>> of its arguments depending on their values.
> Well, map already allows multiple arguments which are lists,
> and makelist allows a range defined by integers, but only one index.
> How about if we generalize makelist to take multiple indices
> and cut create_list entirely.
> Robert