makelist vs create_list

Am 9 Apr 2007 um 8:16 hat Robert Dodier geschrieben:

> makelist also recognizes makelist(expr, x, L) where L is a list.
> I guess I would suggest cutting that. Allowing that and also the
> notation with integers leads to ambiguity as noted before.
> map(lambda([x], expr), L) has the same effect (ignoring
> evaluation subtleties) as makelist(expr, x, L) so we don't really
> need the latter, and map already allows multiple arguments too.

I believe, map(lambda([x], expr), L) is a hard piece of code for newbies. 

Is  expr, x : L   in top level or  ev( expr, x : L )  in programs equivalent to 
map(lambda([x], expr), L) resp. makelist(expr, x, L) or are there some differences?
