question about list utilities

Hi Sheldon,

This seems to work fine - I had to suply a definition for inprod,
though. There are a few things I don't understand. I am not sure that
there is any advantage in defining Max and Min, over already existing
max, min functions in Maxima. Also, I don't see any advantage in
defining List_Max (or List_Min), over doing something like
apply(max,[1,2,3]). I failed to see difference between List_Min_2 and
List_Min_3. Finally, I don't think I understand the output of
pmax_line and pmin_line. Is it a list of min/max distances from 500
line segments joining ??


* sen1 at <sen1 at> [2007-04-11 09:25:25 -0400]:

>   Correction.
>   The routine LS_pair in the previous 'dist_utilities.mac' attachment
>   was incorrect.  I had changed from a 2-dim  to an n-dim routine
>   carelessly.  The current version at least has that corrected.
> Thanks for any comments.
> -sen
>   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: sen1 at           |
>   | Mathematics Department         |       				   |
>   | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
>   | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |
>   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

> /************************************************************************
>     Copyright (C) 2007 Sheldon E. Newhouse <newhouse at>
>     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
>     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
>     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
>     (at your option) any later version.
>     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>     GNU General Public License for more details.
>     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
>     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
>     MA  02111-1307  USA
> *************** 04/10/2007 **************************************/
> ratprint: false;
> showtime:true;
> /* 
> xy(n) makes an n-vector of random numbers in [0,1];
> xx(n,m) makes a list of of n points in R^m with elements 
>   given by xy(m);
> te(n,m,dim) finds the minimum distance from the point sets  
>   given by xx(n,dim) and xx(m,dim)
> Let's call the output of xx(n,m) a 'list of n random m-vectors' 
> Then, te(500,100,10) finds the minimum distance between 
>    a list of 500 random 10-vectors and 
>    a list of 100 random 10-vectors 
> The function
>  min_line(list1, list2, NumPoints) creates the line setment with
> NumPoints points of minimal length between the elements of list1 and
> list2.  'max_line' is similar.
> Try e.g., 
>  min_line(xx(10,10),xx(10,10),10)
> */
> xy(n):=makelist(random(1.0),i,1,n);
> xx(n,m):=makelist(xy(m),i,1,n);
> te(n,m,dim):=min_dist(xx(n,dim),xx(m,dim));
> /* below are the tools for min_dist and related tools */
> alias(prt, print)$
> index_list(list):= makelist([list[i],i],i,1,length(list))$
> index_list_usg: prt(" index_list(list) gives the list of pairs
>                      [list[i],i] ")$
> /*
> LS_pair(p,q,NumPoints):=makelist([i*q[1]/NumPoints+(1-i/NumPoints)*p[1],i*q[2]/NumPoints+(1-i/NumPoints)*p[2]],i,1,NumPoints);
> */
> LS_pair(p,q,NumPoints):=makelist(i*q/NumPoints+(1-i/NumPoints)*p,i,1,NumPoints);
> LS_pair_usg: print(" LS_pair(p,q,NumPoints) gives the line segment
> joining the two points p and q with NumPoints points ")$
> Max(a,b):= block( if (a > b) then return(a) else return(b))$
> Min(a,b):= block( if (a < b) then return(a) else return(b))$
> xvar(y):= [x,-y,y];
> yvar(x):= [y,-x,x];
> zvar(x):= [z,-x,x];
> List_Max(list):= block([z], z: list[1],for i:1 thru length(list) do (z: Max(list[i],z)), return(z));
> List_Min(list):= block([z], z: list[1],for i:1 thru length(list) do (z: Min(list[i],z)), return(z));
> alias(Lmax, List_Max);
> alias(Lmin, List_Min);
> Norm(list):= float(sqrt(inprod(list,list)));
> List_Max_2(list):= block([z], z: [[1],list[1]],
>  for i:1 thru length(list) do 
>     if not(list[i] < z[2]) then 
>       if list[i] > z[2] then z: [[i],list[i]]
>         else if i # 1 then z: [endcons(i,z[1]), list[i]], 
>      return(z))$
> List_Max_2_usg: prt("List_Max_2(list) returns a list of length
> two. The second term is max(list), and the first term is a list of the
> indices where this max appears. LMax_2 is an alias.");
> List_Min_2(list):= block([z], z: [[1],list[1]],
>  for i:1 thru length(list) do 
>     if not(list[i] > z[2]) then 
>       if list[i] < z[2] then z: [[i],list[i]]
>         else if i # 1 then z: [endcons(i,z[1]), list[i]], 
>      return(z))$
> List_Min_2_usg: prt("List_Min_2(list) returns a list of length
> two. The second term is min(list), and the first term is a list of the
> indices where this min appears. LMin_2 is an alias. ");
> alias(LMax_2, List_Max_2);
> alias(LMin_2, List_Min_2);
> /* for the distance from a point to a list */
> point_list_distance(p,list):=block([t_list: list, N_list, min_dist],
>              N_list: makelist(Norm(p-t_list[i]),i,1,length(t_list)),
>              min_dist: LMin_2(N_list),
>              return(min_dist)
>              )$
> point_list_distance_usg: prt(" point_list_distance(p,list) gives the
> minimum distance from the point 'p' to the elements of the list
> 'list'. It gives the positions where the minimum occurs as well as the
> actual distance.  An alias is pmin_list or pmin_dist")$
> alias(pmin_list,point_list_distance)$
> alias(pmin_dist,point_list_distance)$
> point_list_max_distance(p,list):=block([t_list: list, N_list,max_dist],
>              N_list: makelist(Norm(p-t_list[i]),i,1,length(t_list)),
>              max_dist: LMax_2(N_list),
>              return(max_dist)
>              )$
> alias(pmax_list,point_list_max_distance)$
> alias(pmax_dist,point_list_max_distance)$
> point_list_max_distance_usg: prt(" point_list_max_distance(p,list) gives the
> maximum distance from the point 'p' to the elements of the list
> 'list'. It gives the positions where the maximum occurs as well as the
> actual distance.  An alias is pmax_list or pmax_dist.")$
> List_Min_3(list):= block([z], z: [[1],list[1]],
>  for i:1 thru length(list) do 
>     if not(list[i] > z[2]) then 
>       if list[i] < z[2] then z: [[i],list[i]]
>         else if i # 1 then z: [endcons(i,z[1]), list[i]], 
>      return(z))$
> /* added 4-7-2007 */
> pmin_line(p,list):= LS_pair(p,list[pmin_list(p,list)[1][1]],500)$
> pmax_line(p,list):= LS_pair(p,list[pmax_list(p,list)[1][1]],500)$
> pmin_line_usg: prt("pmin_line(p,line) gives the minimum distance from
>                     the point 'p' to the line 'line' ");
> pmax_line_usg: prt("pmax_line(p,line) gives the maximum distance from
>                     the point 'p' to the line 'line' ");
> /* Next, we get the minimum and maximum distances between two lists,
> list_1, and list_2 */
> /* Test lists, uncomment below when testing */
>  xx: [[3,2], [4,5], [6,1]];
> xy: [[2,4],[1,3],[2,4]];
> p: [1.5];
> min_dist(list_1, list_2):= 
>   block(
>        [list_1t: list_1, list_2t: list_2, A, list_3t, slist_3t,list_3t_ind,
> slist_3t_ind, list_4t, numer: true],
> /* first we make a new list, list_3t whose length equals that of
> list_1 and whose i-th entry is pmin_list(list_1t[i], list_2t)*/ 
>     list_3t: makelist( pmin_list(list_1t[i],list_2t),i,1,length(list_1t)),
> /* Next, we index it */
>     list_3t_ind: index_list(list_3t),
> /* next, we sort the indexed list and return
> the first element */
> /*   slist_3t: sort(list_3t), */
> /* we also sort list_3t_ind, and add it to the returned stuff */
>    slist_3t_ind: sort(list_3t_ind), 
>    return(first(slist_3t_ind)) 
>        )$       
> min_dist_usg: prt(" min_dist(list_1, list_2) returns the minimum
> distance from points in list_1 to those in list_2.  It returns a pair [[list,a],b],
>  in which 'list' is the set of indices in list_2 where the minimum distance
> occurs, 'a' is the minumum distance, and b is an index in list_1
> where the minimum occurs. Note, it does NOT return the list of the all
> the possible indices for b");
> min_line(list_1,list_2,NumPoints):= 
>   LS_pair(list_1[part(min_dist(list_1,list_2),2)],list_2[part(min_dist(list_1,list_2),1,1,1)],NumPoints)$
> min_line_usg: prt("min_line(list_1,list_2,NumPoints) gives a line of
> minimun distance from list_1 to list_2 with NumPoints points)")$
> max_dist(list_1, list_2):= 
>   block(
>        [list_1t: list_1, list_2t: list_2, A, list_3t, slist_3t,list_3t_ind,
> slist_3t_ind, list_4t, numer: true],
> /* first we make a new list, list_3t whose length equals that of
> list_1 and whose i-th entry is pmax_list(list_1t[i], list_2t)*/ 
>     list_3t: makelist( pmax_list(list_1t[i],list_2t),i,1,length(list_1t)),
> /* Next, we index it */
>     list_3t_ind: index_list(list_3t),
> /* next, we sort the indexed list and return
> the first element */
> /*   slist_3t: sort(list_3t), */
> /* we also sort list_3t_ind, and add it to the returned stuff */
>    slist_3t_ind: sort(list_3t_ind), 
>    return(last(slist_3t_ind)) 
>        )$       
> max_dist_usg: prt(" min_dist(list_1, list_2) returns the maximum
> distance from points in list_1 to those in list_2.  It returns a pair [[list,a],b],
>  in which 'list' is the set of indices in list_2 where the maximum distance
> occurs, 'a' is the maxumum distance, and b is an index in list_1
> where the maximum occurs. Note, it does NOT return the list of the all
> the possible indices for b");
> max_line(list_1,list_2,NumPoints):= 
>   LS_pair(list_1[part(max_dist(list_1,list_2),2)],list_2[part(max_dist(list_1,list_2),1,1,1)],NumPoints)$
> max_line_usg: prt("min_line(list_1,list_2,NumPoints) gives a line of
> maximun distance from list_1 to list_2 with NumPoints points)")$

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