question about list utilities

I see it now. Thanks!

* Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> [2007-04-12 12:40:12 -0400]:

> On 4/12/07, Milan Lukic <milan at> wrote:
> >
> > I am not sure that there is any advantage in defining Max and Min,
> >
> over already existing max, min functions in Maxima.
> In interpreted code, the hand-coded Max/Min are much faster, because they
> don't need the full generality of symbolic Max/Min.  On the other hand, in
> compiled code, with appropriate declarations, max/min are just fine.  Less:
> when performance matters, use appropriate declarations and compile.
> tt():=for i thru 300 do for j thru 300 do mm(i,j)$
>              (mm needs to be a separate function, otherwise the "min" will
> be compiled with integer i/j)
>              (tt always compiled)
> mm(i,j):=j$            (check overhead)
>       interpreted/translated/compiled    1.34 / 0.58 / 0.50
> mm(i,j):=max(i,j)$
>       14.68 / 9.29 / 10.85
> mm(i,j):=(modedeclare([i,j],integer),max(i,j));
>        14.65 / 0.44 / 0.50
> mm(i,j):=if i>j then i else j$
>         2.63 / 0.69 / 0.22
> mm(i,j):=(modedeclare([i,j],integer), if i>j then i else j)$
>         4.66 / 0.22 / 0.50
> The overhead swamps the numbers in the compiled cases, except for undeclared
> max(i.j), so let's try thru 5000:
> tt():=for i thru 5000 do for j thru 5000 do mm(i,j)$
> mm(i,j):=(modedeclare([i,j],integer),max(i,j))$
>           10.03         300x faster per iteration than without declarations
> mm(i,j):=if i>j then i else j$
>            42.94        3x slower than max
> mm(i,j):=(modedeclare([i,j],integer),if i>j then i else j)$
>            6.82          1.3x faster than max

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