question about list utilities

On 4/12/07, sen1 at <sen1 at> wrote:
>   for some reason, is it equivalent in terms of speed, to do
> return(last(sort(list))) or
> l1: sort(list),
> return(last(l1))

Not surprising. An assignment and a variable fetch aren't very expensive.

It's I suppose more of an aesthetic preference to use

          f(x):= last(sort(x))

rather than

                              l1: sort(list),
                              last(l1) )                    /* Last
expression of a block is returned as value of block */


                              l1: sort(list),
                              return(last(l1) ))          /* return not
really needed */

For those of us with a Lisp background, the second two seem terribly stilted
and wordy, but I suppose those with a Fortran background would find the
first version unfamiliar.

