Dear Maxima experts,
there are very good free manuals and free tutorials available via the Maxima homepage.
Most of these materials explain the 'general' use of Maxima functions.
J.E.Villate's book (in Spanish) is the only free one I know that use Maxima to teach a
special topic: 'Dynamicial systems'. A wonderful book with fine tuned Maxima code ..
The only non-free book using Maxima and showing 'Maxima applications' I know is:
[1] A. Ben-Israel, R. Gilbert: Computer-Supported Calculus.
Springer: Wien 2002. ISBN 3-211-82924-5
[2] M.Wester's book has some articles devoted to the use of Maxima/Macsyma.
I plan to use Maxima as companion for 'Calculus I' and 'Linear Algebra I' and a course
called 'Algorithmic Mathematics' (including some parts of Graph Theory and Nonlinear
Optimization; here Andrej Vodopivec graphs package is very welcome :-)).
So here are my questions:
Q: Are there other free or non-free texts/books to the topics above using Maxima?
Q: Is there a list of publications where the use of Maxima is demonstrated?
Does a bibtex-file exists gathering known publications 'using' Maxima?
Q: same questions for Macsyma ..
Any hints or links would be very welcome.
HTH Wolfgang