> (%i23) draw_graph(dodecahedron_graph());
> (%o23)
> wxdraw2d(points_joined=false,point_size=1,line_type=1,point_type=5,points_joined=false,label_alignment=left,points([[0.57142857142857,0.50490313322172],...,[0.71108571428571,0.97656063142789]]),label_color=1,point_type=0,line_type=1,points_joined=true,axis_top=false,axis_bottom=false,axis_left=false,axis_right=false,ytics=false,head_length=0.05,head_angle=20,xtics=false,points([[0.57142857142857,0.50490313322172],...,points([[0.71108571428571,0.97656063142789],[0.7872,0.67424061229371]]),label_color=3)
> .. but no picture. Have I missed something?
Andrej and Wolfgang,
Please, take care with the draw pakage. I have commited a new version of
it and some options were removed/changed or created. New features
need Gnuplot 4.2 installed:
* Graphic options function_style, fill_style
and label_color were removed.
* Option line_type redefined; possible
values are now 'dots' and 'solid'.
* Image-style rendering of matrices (gray
and rgb).
* New options:
- filled_func: for explicit 2d functions.
- color: by name or by hexadecimal cromatic
components; no more integer indices needed.
This color is used in lines, polygon borders
and labels.
- palette: palette specification for images.
- colorbox: adds/removes the color box in
pm3d mode.
- fill_color: for polygons and explicit 2d
- eps_width & eps_height: dimensions (cm)
for Postscript terminals.
- enhanced3d: sets pm3d mode in Gnuplot.
The documentation in texi format is in
More examples added to
Sorry for not having announced these changes in the list before, but the
package is still in its infancy.
Best wishes.
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto