[wxm] wishlist


thanks for the link. Yes, I tried it some time ago, but I think that wxMaxima is better
suited for my 'clients'. As far as I know the genuine Windows version of TeXmacs is no
longer supported, some of my students had problems running the cygwin version, so I
stopped using TeXmacs .. using wxMaxima as GUI they directly feel at home - only my
HTH Wolfgang

"Andrey G. Grozin" <A.G.Grozin at inp.nsk.su> schrieb:
> On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, Wolfgang Lindner wrote:
> > (wx)Maxima is a wunderful product.
> > So please let me formulate 2 wishes for future releases of wxMaxima.
> >
> > W1: there should be a button 'delete all output'
> > W2: there should be the possibility 'to delay evaluation',
> >    e.g. loading a file 'without auto evaluation of input lines'.
> >    So one could walk stepwise along the inputs from the beginning or elsewhere.
> Both of these features are present in the TeXmacs interface to maxima. And 
> the quality of formula rendering in TeXmacs is higher. Have you tried it?
> Andrey