Books or articles including Maxima code

dear group,

Johann Weilharter <johnny.weilharter at> privatly gave me a link to his homepage:

There you will find many resources regarding the use of wxMaxima especially for high
schools and colleges. I think it may be of interest not only for the German speaking
audience/ teachers/ students. Enjoy.

HTH Wolfgang

> Dear Maxima experts,
> there are very good free manuals and free tutorials available 
> via the Maxima homepage.
> Most of these materials explain the 'general' use of Maxima functions.
> J.E.Villate's book (in Spanish) is the only free one I know 
> that use Maxima to teach a special topic: 'Dynamicial 
> systems'. A wonderful book with fine tuned Maxima code ..
> The only non-free book using Maxima and showing 'Maxima 
> applications' I know is:
> [1] A. Ben-Israel, R. Gilbert: Computer-Supported Calculus.
>     Springer: Wien 2002. ISBN 3-211-82924-5
> [2] M.Wester's book has some articles devoted to the use of 
> Maxima/Macsyma.
> I plan to use Maxima as companion for 'Calculus I' and 
> 'Linear Algebra I' and a course called 'Algorithmic 
> Mathematics' (including some parts of Graph Theory and 
> Nonlinear Optimization; here Andrej Vodopivec graphs package 
> is very welcome :-)). 
> So here are my questions:
> Q: Are there other free or non-free texts/books to the topics 
> above using Maxima?
> Q: Is there a list of publications where the use of Maxima is 
> demonstrated?
>    Does a bibtex-file exists gathering known publications 
> 'using' Maxima?
> Q: same questions for Macsyma ..
> Any hints or links would be very welcome.
> HTH  Wolfgang