You ciould I suppose do this with sublist, but that gets messy and ugly,
since the predicate will have to have side-effects.
Why not use a simple loop?
By the way, your specification is ambiguous, since the last element of the
list has no "immediate successor"; also, how do you treat zero elements?
And do you intend that the last element of each run not be included (as
if l=[] then [] else
while nextl#[] do
( if sign(first(l))=sign(first(nextl)) then
l: nextl, nextl:rest(l) ),
reverse(acc) )$
signrun([2,2,2]) => [2,2] (note that the last "2" doesn't have a
signrun([2,2,-1,-1]) => [2,-1]
signrun([2,2,-1,2,2,-1,-1]) => [2, 2, - 1] (runs are not separated)
You could also define an analogue of sublist that worked a bit differently
(like Lisp maplist rather than mapcar), etc. , but I'm afraid I don't have
time to go into that now.