question about sublist

On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 01:23 -0400, sen1 at wrote:
> Following a suggestion from RJF to use the builtin function 'map', I
> rewrote the program 'sublist.mac' which is attached.  It has both
> Jaime's routine, called 'j_sublist' and two other routines, called
> 'opp_1' and 'same_1'. 

You should not use the routine I wrote (j_sublist), but use Stavros'
version instead (signrun, reproduced at the end). Using your xrl(n)
random list generator, look at the running times and memory usage of the
two approaches:

   n      t(signrun)   t(j_sublist)   mem(signrun)   mem(j_sublist)
 5000      0.02 s         2.83 s        79 KB            2.94 MB
10000      0.03 s         8.14 s       157 KB            5.87 MB
20000      0.05 s        27.67 s       313 KB           11.75 MB
30000      0.11 s        59.77 s       470 KB           17.64 MB

for n=100 000 signrun was still fast (0.36 s) while with j_sublist I
gave up after a few minutes. For the data on the table, signum scales as
n^0.899, and j_sublist as n^1.70

=====================  signrun ========================================

   if l=[] then [] else
         while nextl#[] do
           (if sign(first(l))=sign(first(nextl)) then
            l: nextl, nextl:rest(l) ),
         reverse(acc) )$