On 4/18/07, Albrecht Frenzel <afrenzel at 01019freenet.de> wrote:
> Temperature and humidity are coded in some integer ranges (mostly
> 0..(2^n)-1) generated by sensors and get converted to values
> between -30 and 50 resp. 0.05 to 1, so I have a known number of
> possible input values.
Hmm. The number of bits n is typically 8, 12, or 16, so an enumeration
of all possible values should be enough, or have I misunderstood?
I like problems of the kind you have described, but if the problem is
related to actual sensor hardware, it seems likely to me that
calibration errors will be greater in magnitude, especially for
humidity. My understanding is that humidity sensors can easily
drift out of calibration. Perhaps you have already accounted for that.
Perhaps it would be useful to transmit raw analog-to-digital outputs
from the sensor device, and make all processing of the signal
after the fact. That way you have the opportunity to change the
calibration formula as you wish.
All the best,
Robert Dodier