Imaxima-imath 0.97a is released

Dear  Honda-san,

Thanks  very much  for your job. It works fine now!
(tested with maxima cvs and sbcl-1.0.1 under emacs22-gtk)

best regards

Yasuaki Honda wrote:
> Dear Imaxima users,
> This is an announcement of the release of imaxima-imath-0.97a.
> You can visit the following page to download the latest release.
> As I have found an incompatibility between Imaxima-imath 0.97 and the
> Maxima 5.11.99rc1 which is the release candidate of upcoming 5.12.0,
> I have created a fixed version and released it as imaxima-imath-0.97a.
> Since the difference between 0.97a and 0.97 is just one line addition
> (adding the definition of memq in imaxima.lisp), I didn't conduct
> full release
> test this time.
> Please report any issues, if found.
> Yasuaki Honda / Chiba, Japan
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