errors in tests

On 4/20/07, Andreas Eder <aeder at> wrote:

> once again after a cvs update I get a lot of errors in the
> testsuite.
> Could we all please test a bit more thorougly before a commit?

Well, let's all keep in mind that the Maxima developers are only human,
despite their reputation for incredible feats of brilliance.
We are all checking each other's work and I think this is a good thing.

> And besides I don't think it was a good thing to reintroduce memq
> instead of the proper CL idiom of using member with :key '#eq.
> (The times of maclisp are gone).
> (and for the performance buffs: it costs a funcation call).

The major issue here is keeping various non-core codes happy,
which is a useful goal. I think preserving MEMQ is a minor price
to pay for that.

All the best,