I would type, on the new input line
a then hit Alt-p - it should bring a_var ...
As for the Ctrl-a issue, I don't know.
* sen1 at <sen1 at> [2007-04-23 10:26:55 -0400]:
> Hello,
> Is there any reason why the C-a keys in xmaxima (which move to the
> beginning of the line), go back to the left of the line label, rather
> than to the right of the line label?
> This does not happen in command line maxima.
> Also, at one time Jaime told me how to recall earlier commands in an
> analogous way to using the bash shell. The command Alt-p goes back
> 'line-by-line' but I would like to jump back to a line which starts
> with a given character.
> E.g.
> If I have things like
> (%i10) x = 4.0;
> (%o10) x = 4.0
> (%i11) f: sin(x);
> (%o11) sin(x)
> (%i12) a_var: 2;
> (%o12) 2
> (%i13) f: a_var*sin(x);
> (%o13) 2 sin(x)
> (%i14) plot2d(f,[x,0,6]);
> (%o14)
> Is there a single key shortcut to make the current line
> a_var: 2
> (for the purposes of changing a_var)
> (i.e., without simply doing three Alt-p's) ?
> TIA,
> -sen
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Sheldon E. Newhouse | e-mail: sen1 at |
> | Mathematics Department | |
> | Michigan State University | telephone: 517-355-9684 |
> | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA | FAX: 517-432-1562 |
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