sbcl maxima on Ubuntu

Hello Fabrizio,

> I compiled Maxima with sbcl since
> this was the only lisp working with previous
> versions of Maxima on Ubuntu.

I frequenty build maxima in Ubuntu with clisp, sbcl and cmucl without
problems. For example,

./configure --enable-clisp
make check
sudo make install

should work for you.

I don't know what's the problem with the official maxima-ubuntu package,
but I have tried to make a deb package myself with the 'checkinstall'
tool (it's in the ubuntu repositories), since I'm not an expert building
debian packages. Some purist 'ubunteros' don't like this tool, and I
don't understand their technical reasons, but my practical point of view
is: if it works, it's not so bad.

Following this link,

you can download a maxima deb package built as follows:

./configure --enable-clisp
sudo checkinstall

With this, you'll get Maxima installed in your machine together with the
deb package, which can be used to install Maxima in other computers.
This posted deb file was created on ubuntu 5.10 and used to install
maxima in some ubuntus 6.06 without problems. This is a cvs Maxima
version about two months old.

Some days ago, I tried to repeat this process with Maxima rc2 in ubuntu
6.06, but it failed to build the deb package. After that, I built Maxima
following the old way (sudo make install) and I got it installed, but
without the deb, of course :-/

Once I get time, I'll try it again.

If you can go some steps further, please let me know ...

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto