hi Mario, hello maxima group,
I m using the new package draw.lisp for teaching puposes - a phantastic tool.
Using version <1.7 with WindowsXP Home and wxMaxima 5.11.0 I was able to reproduce most of
the pictures from Mario's 'A Maxima-Gnuplot interface' documentation - but only by
commenting out those parts of the examples dealing with colors (because this option is
new) .. ok. Great.
Now I am trying the new version draw 1.7 - with colors (because it looks really wonderful
It works if I specify the option 'terminal=png',
but it does not work with the option 'terminal=screen' or without giving any terminal
Yes, I know Mario's warning :'You need Gnuplot 4.2 and Maxima 5.12 to run this package.'
Ignoring Marios's warning I watched the following effect:
the color picture is seen for a tiny moment on screen, but then it vanishes at once.
Q: It is possible to use draw1.7 using wxm5.11 with some 'tricks' and terminal=screen
or have I to wait for the release of 5.12?
As I see the developers have now reached the critical number 5.11.99..rc :)
HTH Wolfgang