> from a didactical point of view I would like to make the mathematical distinction between
> 'explicit' vs 'implicit', it is a very clear concept.
> Perhaps one could make a 'default' assumption in draw: not writing 'explict' is an alias
> to 'explict()'.
But somehow we should pack together the function and the domain. Perhaps
in a list
draw2d(terminal=png, color=blue, [x^2,x,-1,1]) ?
What about defining shortcuts such as
draw2d(te=png, co=blue, ex(x^2,x,-1,1))
(or something like this) for
draw2d(terminal=png, color=blue, explicit(x^2,x,-1,1))
maintaining both notations ?
The idea behind draw is to have a collection of basic graphical objects
as building blocks for more complex diagrams, see
for some not very ellaborated examples. Following this idea, if one
needs a lot of plots of explicit functions, why not to make something
I'm interested in your opinions. And thanks again for your interest in
this package.
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto