CVS help

Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> Can someone out there help me get CVS working with Emacs?  I have some
> very basic questions (where do I put the SSH key?) and some more
> advanced ones (like how do I put in a small patch to the current CVS
> version without losing the more extensive but untested mods I'm
> making, etc. etc.).
> I have been using TortoiseCVS for simple stuff, but it doesn't seem to
> be sufficient....
> (Details: running CVS 1.11.6 under Cygwin on Windows 2000; Emacs 21.2.1)
I don't use Windows, so the following may not apply.  However, if you're
running cygwin, perhaps it will help.

I normally use pcl-cvs to with XEmacs (but should work on Emacs).  
However, pcl-cvs is apparently orphaned now.  I use M-x cvs-update, and
specify the maxima directory to start with. VC, which is still
supported, should work.  See the info files for how to work with pcl-cvs
and vc.  If you need help, please ask.

To work with ssh,  I put my ssh keys in ~/.ssh.  cygwin should specify
some home directory.  I think you might also be able to set $HOME to
your home directory.   So that I don't have to specify my ssh key every
time I need to access the cvs repository, I use ssh-agent and ssh-add. 
Not sure this works on cygwin or not.  First, "eval `ssh-agent`".  Then
"ssh-add".  You'll be prompted for you ssh password.   At this point, if
you start emacs from that window, everything will be set up so you don't
have to specify your ssh password every time now.

I hope this helps a little.  My apologies if these aren't applicable to
