draw package 1.7

"Mario Rodriguez" <biomates at telefonica.net> schrieb:
>> Now I am trying the new version draw 1.7 - with colors (because it looks really
>> :). It works if I specify the option 'terminal=png',
>> but it does not work with the option 'terminal=screen' or without giving any terminal
>> option.
> In fact, you never need to specify terminal=screen, since this is
> default. This option automatically selects the correct terminal: windows
> or x11, depending on your operating system. In any case, this should also work:
> draw2d(terminal=screen, explicit(x^2,x,-1,1));


sorry, but this does not work for me. 
OS: WinXPhome; wxm 5.11.0; draw.lisp (version 1.7).

Next I copied my working gnuplot files (4.2/2007) from my octave directory (genuine
Windows configuration from D. Bateman, see http://www.dbateman.org/?page=octave&lang=EN)
to the Maxima/bin directory and tried again: no reaction at all.

In both trials I only see a printed output message

(%i) draw2d(terminal=screen, explicit(x^2,x,-1,1));
(%o) [gr2..(explict)]

I will wait patinently for 5.12 :-)

HTH  Wolfgang