It's not so uncommon to need to do a bunch of symbolic
calculations before getting numerical values. If physconst
set numer to true, a user would be stuck with numerical
values. As much as possible, optional code shouldn't
alter the global environment (other than introducing
new functions).
But we're glad you knew about (or learned about) numer : true.
maxima-bounces at wrote on 04/30/2007 03:21:40 PM:
> ~~~
> >From wxMaxima 0.7.2 I do:
> (%i1) batch("C:/Program Files/Maxima-5.11.0/share/maxima/5.11.
> 0/share/physics/physconst.mac")$
> I try to get the light speed constant value:
> (%i359) %%c;
> (%o359) %%c
> Which is not what I am looking for.
> I try declaring:
> (%i360) numer:true;
> (%o360) true
> Now
> (%i361) %%c;
> (%o361) (299792458*m)/s
> Which is fine.
> Question why not set numer:true as the default in physconst.mac
> Edward Romana
> ~~~
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