> In thinking again about the question 'explicit vs. implicit' and the above discussion let
> me suggest to use the words 'function2d vs. relation2d'. 'explicit' is an adjective
> characterizing an property, whereas 'function2d' is a word naming an mathematical object.
> So I would prefer
> draw2d( function2d(x^2,x,-1,1))
It wouldn't be necessary to add '2d'; in the draw2d context, functions
are in two dimensions. Consider
But explicit, implicit and polar are also 2d functions. The correct
names would be explicit_function, implicit_function and polar_function,
and we'd go back to the typing problem. Consider explicit as a short cut
for explicit_function, and so on.
On the other hand, I understand that most of the time we are going to
plot explicit functions, and writing explicit everytime is not very
comfortable. The [expr,var,a,b] could be considered, but somehow it
breaks the syntactic style.
Thanks for shearing your ideas with us.
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto