Detlef Schmicker wrote:
> Hello,
> I read the threads about LAPACK and found it very usefull. I managed to
> get dgeev working.
> Is there a place where I can find the definition of the functions
> withing maxima?
As I understand maxima use only a few lapack functions
Their description can be found in eigensys.lisp
> I miss some functions: e.g. :
> file dgetri.f dgetri.f plus dependencies
> prec double
> for Computes the inverse of a general matrix, using the LU factorization
> , computed by DGETRF.
I also miss the inversion function. You can use
invert_by_lu(M) (from "linearalgebra")
It is quite fast.
> gams d2a1
> Is there a staight forward way to create the interface to maxima?
I think it is quite straitforward if you have enough knowledge of lisp.
You can try to copy the known interfaces (like lapack one).
Sorry I can not be helpfull at this point.